The Triangulation of Images. Pictorial Competence and its Pragmatic Condition of Possibility

Autor: Tobias Schöttler
[erschienen in: Poster-Vorträge zu "Ursprünge der Bilder" (Themenheft zu IMAGE 15)]

Schlagwörter: Bildkompetenz (pictorial competence), Pragmatik (pragmatics, pragmatism), Davidson, Triangulation (triangulation), Ähnlichkeitstheorie (simlarity approach), Konventionalismus (conventional approach)

Disziplinen: Philosophie und Bildwissenschaft

Beginning with the question of the condition of possibility of pictorial competence, this paper develops a ›pragmatized‹ concept of pictorial competence. In order to describe pictorial competence, Davidson’s model of triangulation is applied to images. Such a concept avoids the deficiencies in the concepts of pictorial competence presupposed by the predominant picture theories. By means of triangulation, the public and the dynamic characters of pictorial competence and the anthropological relevance of picture practice are highlighted.


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03_IMAGE 15 Themenheft_Sch