Semantik und Pragmatik von Körperhaltungen im Spielfilm

Autor: Doris Schöps
[erschienen in: Bildtheoretische Ansätze in der Semiotik (Themenheft zu IMAGE 16)]

Schlagwörter: Körperhaltung, Pose, Körpersprache, DEFA-Film, Inszenierung, Ikonographie, Intention, Sequenzanalyse

Disziplinen: Semiotik, Gestenforschung, Bildwissenschaft, Filmwissenschaft

While semanticized body movements (gestures) are an established field of research, semanticized postures have been explored only marginally. The following paper introduces basics of a posture research. At the beginning types of posture and movement are classified, with the focus on the features static, conventionalized, semantisized and encoded. Based on Roland Posner’s classification of fundamental symbol types (POSNER 1996) a hierarchy of complex symbol actions is developed. This hierarchy is able to gather symbol processes that are connected to postures – from simple signals to communication. Finally, the expression and content concerning classification system is applied on two example sequences, which are taken out of popular DEFA films. While only vague attributions are possible in the daily routine, it is demonstrated that postures are more semioticized and disambiguated in films, due to cinematic means. With reference to depiction traditions in iconography and everyday culture, it is shown how semantification of postures in films is attributed.


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