Lernen mit Bildern. Eine empirische Studie zum Verhältnis von Blickbildung, Imagination und Sprachbildung

Autor: Alexander Glas
[erschienen in: Image 18: Bild und Moderne (Ausgabe Juli 2013)]

The present study tests the reception patterns of pupils of different ages with the help of Eye-Tracking-Systems. Mobile equipment is now available which allowed a series of experiments using original pieces of art in a museum. Due to this technical advantage, the natural sighting behaviour is less influenced and a higher environmental validity is reached. The goal of this experiment is to find out with elements of the works of art are perceived as favourites, according to the ages of the pupils, and which senses are used in performing this task. The empirical research in the field of art education is thus entering virgin soil.

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IMAGE 18_Glas.pdf