Funktionen des bildnerischen Denkens

Autor: Goda Plaum
[erschienen in: IMAGE 14 (Ausgabe Juli 2011)]

Schlagwörter: Bildnerisches Denken, Bildproduktion, Bildrezeption, Sehen, Zusammensetzen, Umsetzen, Verbinden, Erfinden, Piet Mondrian

Disziplinen: Philosophie, Bildwissenschaft, Kunstpädagogik

The perception of pictures is an object of investigation of various scientific disciplines within image science discourses about dealing with pictures. The process of producing a picture does not attract much attention, though. This article wants to show that by considering the process of producing pictures, we are more likely to understand our dealing with pictures in general. Apart from the fact, that every manufacturing process of pictures is at the same time a process of perceiving them, there is another more fundamental connection between them. This can be summarized by the term »bildnerisches Denken« and it seems more appropriate to analyze both processes together. This article provides an analysis of »bildnerisches Denken« in its various functions and furthermore exemplifies one of these by giving some pictures as examples.
