Soziale Vexierbilder: Zur motivierenden Verklammerung von Spiel und Ernst in virtuellen Beobachtungsarenen

Autor: Henning Mayer
[erschienen in: IMAGE 31 (Januar 2020)]

Schlagwörter: [Schlagwörter]

Disziplinen: [Disziplinen]

The present article aims to sketch the use of game-based incentive mechanisms in serious matters (e.g. in the context of recruiting or customer reten-tion) as a threshold state that motivates users to participate on an ongoing basis by promising opportunities for being ›discovered‹ without taking any risk. For this purpose, a heuristic is developed using the example of ancient and modern war games, which translates the juxtaposition of game and seriousness into an addictive succession of motivating opportunities for discovery and playful retreat spaces.
